News: Fuze4 Nintendo Switch First Impressions!

After months of anticipation and speculation FUZE4 Nintendo Switch is finally here! I have been keeping an eye on the guys behind the Switch’ latest app for a while now and I am excited to share my first impressions with you guys!

Out of the gate FUZE looks like a developer platform rather than a fancy creative suite, a bit rough around the edges, perhaps a little too much old school for the kind of product it really is, for it is advertised as a low-level entry into the wondrous world of coding. But in all fairness, the menu does work and is crystal clear as to its intentions and navigation.


FUZE4 Nintendo Switch’ main menu


In the programs section you can delve into the numerous example projects that have been created with the intention of showing off some of the type of games one can create complete with full access to the source code, ready for you to alter, edit or expand, and execute on the fly! It is here that I started off, and having gone through a handful of them by now I can honestly say that I am impressed with the elegance and approach of the programming and incorporation into the Nintendo Switch’ environment.

Take the programme ‘3D Crazy Shooter‘ for example. It took me just about 10 mins to go through the source code and understand the general workings of it, in large part due to the great annotation. After my first tweak I managed to increase the mobility of the player by providing a twin stick movement, effectively making it easier to dodge objects and push just outside of the camera view.


Enabling twin stick movement
3D Crazy Shooter


After playing through it a few times I felt that the ‘A’ button wasn’t a very logical choice for a weapon discharge. Going back into the code I simply changed the associated button – and annotation – to a shoulder button; a small change but a big impact as to the comfort.



Changing the shooting button mapping from ‘A’ to ‘ZR’


Even though I have some experience in writing and editing code, I would not qualify in any way to be called a programmer.

To see the ease with which these programmes can be read and altered without crashing the games is absolutely fantastic and encourages you to keep on going till you feel comfortable enough to start creating your own games!

In order to do so there is a hefty media library with all sorts of stuff for you to go through to create the games of your liking. Personally I really fancy the aesthetics of the metroidvania game called ‘Gothic Vania‘ depicted down here:


Gothic Vania


Browsing the media library


Whilst this is merely meant to be a first impression I will be going through FUZE4 Nintendo Switch and explore the depths of it for which you can expect a review to be coming up in the near future. In the meantime I sincerely recommend you to pick up this title if you have ever thought about creating your own games without being tied down by the ‘burden of coding’, and sharing your games with friends and family! The future is bright and the future is here and now.


#FUZE #FUZE4NintendoSwitch #Nintendo

Kindly note that a review code was provided by FUZE Technologies, developer and publisher of FUZE4 Nintendo Switch.

More Nintendo Switch game reviews coming soon, stay tuned!

Check out the developer’s website here: and here:
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